Smart Cutter - break file into clips

Requests and discussion of features for future versions.
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Smart Cutter - break file into clips

Post by brianappj »

I have found Smart Cutter to be a very good editor for mp4 files for the reasons you list but I think it can be more user friendly. After using it for a short time it seems to be made to select segments from a movie file and then generate a new movie file from those segments and that is all. The whole concept of deleting, moving, copying and pasting clips seems to be missing. Would it be possible to add the feature that allows the user to break the video file into clips then be able to reorganize, copy or delete those clips? Would scene detection be possible? This is a process where the program automatically analyzes the movie and breaks the file into clips based on scene changes. These clips could then be edited, moved or copied as well. These clips I am talking about aren't new movie segments. They are just markers on top of the original file only seen or used by the editor. when everything is arranged the way the user wants the output file is then generated.
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Re: Smart Cutter - break file into clips

Post by admin »

Dear brianappj:
Thanks for your message.

'Would scene detection be possible?'
Currently we can do this in Smart Cutter by searching for black frames in the movie, open a movie and click 'Detect AD' button will do this.

'The whole concept of deleting, moving, copying and pasting clips seems to be missing.'
Some simple editing work as you said could be done in Smart Cutter via the batch list on the top right of the UI.
Each batch list item is a clip, you can open a movie and define the start and end points and click 'add batch' to create a batch list item.
In the batch list, you can view, remove, insert, move etc, and create new movie from them by 'Start Batch', with 'link' button enabled yellow.

Please feel free to send us your further advice and suggestion.
Thank you very much.

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FameRing Support Team
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Re: Smart Cutter - break file into clips

Post by brianappj »

The detect AD may find black frames but I am talking about scene content change detection, such as an edit point, where the scene changes but there is no black frame.

I think the ability to break a file into clips and then copy, paste or delete them is possible but it needs to be more user friendly and integrated into the timeline, like most major editors do. When putting clips into the batch list the output generated was all separate files for each clip. I guess another program could then stitch them together but it shouldn't be that hard. With some work these edit features could be integrated into the time line making these types of edits easier to do.

Maybe this is all beyond the objective of this program. It is called smart cutter and it does that very well but it is missing these editor features, which is maybe why it isn't called "Smart Editor". As I said though, the ability to do these things seems to exist on a low level they just need to be integrated seamlessly into the interface to make them easier.
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Re: Smart Cutter - break file into clips

Post by admin »

Dear brianappj:
Thanks for your message.

'I think the ability to break a file into clips and then copy, paste or delete them is possible but it needs to be more user friendly and integrated into the timeline'
Yes we will let our developers try this to make it easier.

Please feel free to send us your further advice and suggestion.
Thank you very much.

Best Regards,
FameRing Support Team
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