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Batch Processing stops randomly

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 12:36 pm
by Achim

I have an issue with 1.7.4 and Windows 8. The videos I cut are on a network drive connected by a Gigabit ethernet.

What I usually do is to define the cut points for multiple videos and save a long batch. Then start the batch process and do something else during that time. The network connection is fast enough to work with the videos on the network drive with nearly no delay. This has worked for me on a Windows 7 system very good with different versions of smart cutter.

Now I recently updated to Windows 8. And now the batch randomly stops. That means it processes like 4-5 files, then displays the "Transcoding Complete"-Message, but there are more videos in the batch that did not process. On the drive there is a 0 byte file for the video that it last tried to start to process. I watched it doing that. It stayed at 99% for the previous file for quite a long time and then suddenly displayed the transcoding complete message. Do you have an idea why that happens? Would be great if it would work again like before... :(


Re: Batch Processing stops randomly

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 11:33 pm
by admin
Dear Achim:
Thanks for your message.

'on a network drive connected by a Gigabit ethernet'
Could you please try it on a local hard drive and tell us the result? It looks related to the file I/O.

Looking forward to your further message.
Thank you very much.

Best Regards,
FameRing Support Team

Re: Batch Processing stops randomly

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 6:45 am
by Achim

a lokal drive is not really feasible for me. And the network is fast enough and usually very reliable, too. I do most of my stuff over network.

It seems that I solved my issue... I recognized that it seldoms happen, when I am at the computer and do other stuff. So I disabled the screen saver and processing did not break since then... I'm not entirely sure if that really is the issue.. but the screen saver is coming from BOINC, so it is a bit complex.
