Two questions

The world's first H.264 AVCHD accurate cutter without re-encoding!
Smart Cutter and Mate for DV and DVB.
Smart products manages, splits, joins movies from DV Camcorder and DVB HD PVR.
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Two questions

Post by Jane »

I have downloaded a trial version today to test it first before I buy.
It seems to be good for me but I have some questions.
Can anyone explain how I can:
Cut out a few frames
Add a few frames to a file
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Re: Two questions

Post by admin »

Dear Jane:
Thanks for your concern.
Cut out a few frames
Suppose you want to cut out the movie part from frame(x) to frame(y). Then the result movie will be starting from some frame(a) to frame(x), then frame(y) to the end frame(b). Where the part from x to y is cutted out now.
Below is what you should do: frame(a) as 'new start point', frame(x) as 'new end point', press 'add list'. So the first segment is put into the list. frame(y) as 'new start point', frame(b) as 'new end point', press 'add list'. So the second segment is put into the list.
3.lighten up the button 'link' button 'Record List'. You will be asked for a new file name. After that, the transcoding will begin.

If what you want is to capture several frames into pictures, please use the 'capture frame' button.
Add a few frames to a file
Smart Cutter can link movie files together.
Suppose you want to insert a small movie into a big one.
Below is what you should do:
1.Put first part of the big movie into list
2.Put the small movie file into list
3.Put the second part of the big movie into list
4.lighten up the button 'link' button 'Record List'

Please be noticed: the inserted movie should have same parameters(such as video width height, frame rate, etc.) as the movie that it will be inserted into.

If what you want is to imprint several pictures into a movie, you must convert the pictures into movie first.

Best Regards,
FameRing Support Team
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