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Where are the converted files stored?

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 1:58 pm
by snipsnip
1. I load 3 VOB files from a DVD and add each cut point to the list.
2. "link" not activated and click to "Record List!".
3. The conversing window shows that all files are recorded.
4. "Transcoding Complete" appears.

But where are the transcoded files?

Re: Where are the converted files stored?

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:29 am
by admin
Dear snipsnip:
"link" not activated and click to "Record List!" ... where are the transcoded files?
If you did not change the Options 'Use source folder as destination directory'
The output file should be in the same dir as the source movie.

Please feel free to send us your further advice and suggestion.
Thank you very much.

Best Regards,
FameRing Support Team

Re: Where are the converted files stored?

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 4:56 pm
by snipsnip
admin wrote:
"link" not activated and click to "Record List!" ... where are the transcoded files?
If you did not change the Options 'Use source folder as destination directory'
The output file should be in the same dir as the source movie.
My path in 'Frame Accurate Movie EngineeRing' is G:\Recorded. Even if 'Use source folder as destination directory' is deactivated, no files are saved in the directory G:\Recorded!
Remember: The source movie is on a not writeable DVD!

If I try to save a file by means of Microsoft Editor on a not writeable DVD, an error warning appears: "You cannot save here. Choose another place. (translated from german)".
I also expect a similar message in the described case, with the possibility of selecting a suitable folder. Even if 'Use source folder as destination directory' is activated.

Re: Where are the converted files stored?

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 2:17 pm
by admin
Dear snipsnip:
We tried many times, when 'Use source folder as destination directory' is deactivated, and path in 'Frame Accurate Movie EngineeRing' is writable, say C:/Download/, the cut movie is always written to this path C:/Download/.

So, does this problem still exsits on your end?

Looking forward to your further message.
Thank you very much.

Best Regards,
FameRing Support Team

Re: Where are the converted files stored?

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:32 pm
by snipsnip
admin wrote:So, does this problem still exsits on your end?
Yes, indeed. I have investigated once more and found out:

The error is independent of whether the source file is on a DVD or a hard disk. The error appears because SC is not able to read names with a blank correctly. I had chosen as destination folder 'G:\Recorded TV\' (a folder named of Windows 7). Under still unknown conditions it is rewritten in the vs_fame.ini to 'G:\Recorded'.

Here an extract from the vs_fame.ini:

G:/Recorded (correct name G:/Recorded TV/)

With this constellation the converted file is saved with the name 'RecordedTest.mpg.12.mpg' in the folder 'G:'\' instead of 'Test.mpg.12.mpg in 'G:\Recorded TV\'.
Requirement: SC must read names with blanks correctly. I wrote it already several times.

I had chosen the path 'G:\Recorded TV\', converted a movie, closed SC and loaded the program again - the path now reads 'G:\Recorded'.
The vs_fame.ini is still correct. But if I close SC now, the vs_fame.ini looks then as represented above.

Re: Where are the converted files stored?

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:17 am
by snipsnip
admin wrote:We tried many times, when 'Use source folder as destination directory' is deactivated, and path in 'Frame Accurate Movie EngineeRing' is writable, say C:/Download/, the cut movie is always written to this path C:/Download/.
Try it again with a blank in the path name, say C:/Fame Test/.

Look also to the 'Edit' in my last message.

Re: Where are the converted files stored?

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:19 am
by snipsnip
Additional bugs:

1. If a volume contains too little free storage capacity, it seems as if a correct file were produced - the message "Transcoding Complete" appears. However the file size is too small!
2.If a volume doesn't contain any free storage capacity, it seems as if a correct file were produced. - the message "Transcoding Complete" appears. However the file size is 0 KB!
3. If a destination path isn't available, it seems as if a correct file were produced - the message "Transcoding Complete" appears. However no file is produced!

At all 3 cases the conversion must stop and an error message appear: At case 1 and 2: "No or too little free storage space on the volume.", at case 3: "Destination path isn't available.".