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Smart Cutter 1.3.5 cannot read his own files

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 10:21 am
by snipsnip
I have loaded a converted file. The file info says Audio: no sound and playing with Smart Cutter is without sound. Other Video programs play with sound.
The info for the original file says Audio: a52. MediaInfo shows no differenz between the two files.

I have uploaded the two files to FTP-Server

Re: Smart Cutter 1.3.5 cannot read his own files

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 8:13 am
by admin
Dear snipsnip:
Thanks for your sample file.

We have downloaded the sample and re-produced the problem as you said. We think this issue is related to the stream id, and it should be fixed soon. We will keep you posted about the progress.

Please feel free to send us your further advice and suggestion.
Thank you very much.

Best Regards,
FameRing Support Team

Re: Smart Cutter 1.3.5 cannot read his own files

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 6:04 pm
by snipsnip
admin wrote:We think this issue is related to the stream id, and it should be fixed soon. We will keep you posted about the progress.
Dear admin,

thanks for your message written 10 weeks ago. Is there still no solution?

Perhaps this helps.

I have a video recorded of a television broadcast in HDTV as ts-file. The first 5 minutes are with 2-channel digital audio, the next minutes with 5.1 Dolby audio. In the following graphics 2-channel digital audio is shown as xxxx..., 5.1 Dolby audio is shown as yyy....

xxxxxxxxxxxyyyyyyyyyyyy..... This is the original video. SC shows "Audio: a52". MediaInfo shows "2 channels AC-3". If I cut off a part of the...
xxxxxxx|........................ ...2-channel audio section - SC shows at the cut video "Audio: a52". MediaInfo shows "2 channels AC-3", ok.
..............|yyyyyyyy|......... ...5.1 Dolby section - SC shows "Audio: no sound". MediaInfo shows "2 channels".
.....|xxxxxxyyyyyyyyyyy|...... ...2-channel audio section and a part of the 5.1 Dolby section - SC shows "Audio: no sound".MediaInfo shows "2 channels AC-3".

If I use TSSniper instead of SmartCutter SC shows at the 2nd cut "Audio: a52". MediaInfo shows "6 channels AC-3", ok.
At the 3rd cut SC shows "Audio: a52". MediaInfo shows "2 channels AC-3", ok.

If the sound of the video is already from the beginning in 5.1 Dolby, I can cut at arbitrary place - SC shows always "Audio: a52" and MediaInfo "6 channels", ok.

Best Regards,