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Can't access Smart Mate again

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 3:24 pm
by ckhouston
I installed the trial version and was initially presented with the Smart Mate interface, changed to Smart Cutter and did some test cutting, then exited.

Now I can only access the Smart Cutter screen with no apparent way to get to the Smart Mate screen. Smart cutter is the only thing shown in the Start menu under FameRing. Tried a repair installation which didn't change anything.

What do I need to do?

Re: Can't access Smart Mate again

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 3:32 pm
by admin
Dear ckhouston:
Thanks for your concern.
changed to Smart Cutter
Do you mean re-installation by the word 'changed'?
Smart cutter is the only thing shown in the Start menu under FameRing. Tried a repair installation which didn't change anything.
Ever tried un-install first, then re-install the Smart Mate?

Looking forward to your further message.
Thank you very much.

Best Regards,
FameRing Support Team

Re: Can't access Smart Mate again

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 4:33 pm
by ckhouston
changed to Smart Cutter
I meant I clicked the Quick Movie Editor, circle 2, in the Smart Mate windpw.

There is nothing listed in Control panel for Smart Mate, only Smart Cutter for DV and DVB. I uninstalled that and reinstalled but same experience -- Smart Mate appears first but can't acxcess it again once the cutter is used.

The installation file I downloaded is SmartCutter.exe and My OS is Vista Home Premium 64 bit.

Re: Can't access Smart Mate again

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 4:45 pm
by ckhouston
I can access Smart Mate by doubleclicking smart.exe in the installation folder.

The target for Smart Cutter in the start menu and for the desktop icon is
"C:\FameRing\Smart Cutter for DV and DVB\smart.exe" acc
so I can modify that by deleting the acc at the end and Smart Mate is presented on startup.

It seems to be an installation problem.

I will create target paths for both Smart Mate and Smart Cutter in the Start menu and for Desktop icons which will suite my usage of the program.

Thank you.