I want Keyboard shortcuts for the most important functions, too.
I want to put the following thoughts up for discussion.
In my opinion the most important functions are:
- go to next frame, go to previous frame (shortcut arrow left or right)
- go to next 12 (?) frames (half a second), go to previous 12 (?) frames (half a second)
(shortcut shift arrow left or right)
- go to next 24 (?) frames (one second), go to previous 24 (?) frames (one second)
(shortcut STRG arrow left or right)
- go to next ?? seconds, go to previous seconds (shortcuts in different combinations of
STRG and ALT shift arrow left or right)
- new in- and new out-point (shortcuts i and o or ( and )).
But I think i and o are better because the letters are "speaking": i for in-point and o
for out-point and there are onely "one" key. The others were a combination of keys.
- go to the last or next in- or new out-point (shortcuts shift i and o)
- and it loks like a good function to use the mouse wheel forward or backward jump
frame by frame.
maybe these are different options or personal preferences, these could be saved in Smart Cutter
Then could be saved automatically the cut files named by filename (filename.mp4) and a added ending like "bth" for batch to "filename.bth".
And the cutted file could be also saved automatically named by filename and a added ending like "filename.cut.mp4".
When it would be possible to add a real batch-mode, it were be fantastic.
This means: I am loading a videofile, make the different cuts and add the cuts (and the files) to a batch-file, load the next videofile, make the different cuts and so on.
When there are some files in the batch-list, then the cuts will done by Smart Cutter at one go and I could go to drink a coffee.
It would save time I think.
What do you think about that.