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Problem at cut points using Smart Cutter.

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:41 pm
by Chuck
Whenever I cut sections of movies and rejoin them together there are pauses, jittery frames, audio lags (which eventually catch up somewhere down the line), and sometimes slowed down or sped up motion before and/or after the cut.

I've rejoined the movie sections using DOS, TsSplitter, and TsMuxerGUI and ALL of them produce a finalized M2TS with the same issues. Since the problem is displayed at the point of the split/join (where I've cut it with Smart Cutter) it appears that the cut must not be exactly right or somehow suspect or corrupt.

This problem exists for 1.2.7 and 1.2.8. If necessary I can upload a sample to show you.

If you can fix this Smart Cutter would be a very useful tool and I'll feel like my $40.00 was well spent.

Re: Problem at cut points using Smart Cutter.

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 3:40 pm
by admin
Dear Chuck:
Thanks for your posting.

As this problem only happens in the versions after 1.2.5, we might have a comparing test.

We took back the version 1.2.5

We have both 1.2.5 and 1.2.8f to cut the same video sample with the same cut points setting. Here is the result:
cutted by 1.2.5
cutted by 1.2.8f

This time please do not rejoin the files,
could you please just playback the two results on your media player and tell us the result?
Thank you so much.

Best Regards,
FameRing Support Team

Re: Problem at cut points using Smart Cutter.

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 3:18 am
by Chuck
Both of these clips play without any issues, but, they are different types of clips that what I used (TS vs. M2TS). Can you tell me what you used to join the clips together (each plays the same clip twice successfully)?

I downloaded the 1.2.5 version, edited my movie, and rejoined the files just for an experiment and still had the same issue (joining the cuts using both DOS and TsMuxerGUI). I believe something is not right at the cut points otherwise joining the files would be successful (from at least one application). What seems to confirm my theory is that the files when joined (from all programs) all have the exact same issue.

Re: Problem at cut points using Smart Cutter.

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 7:58 pm
by Chuck
I think I see the issue. If I demux the joined files the video (.264) file plays flawlessly at the join point. If I then remux with the audio (.ac3) it has issues. It appears the timecodes is somehow getting messed up.

Re: Problem at cut points using Smart Cutter.

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 4:39 pm
by admin
Dear Chuck:
Thanks for your posting.
Can you tell me what you used to join the clips together (each plays the same clip twice successfully)?
We just used our Smart Cutter. The Smart Cutter does support joining operation. For a more detailed instruction, see
The second half of this page indicates how to merge(join) video segments by Smart Cutter.
Just follow these steps on that page, the result will be playbacked correctly.

Please feel free to send us your further advice and suggestion.
Thank you.

Best Regards,
FameRing Support Team

Re: Problem at cut points using Smart Cutter.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 6:38 pm
by Chuck
Trying the LINK (for joining the files) the program continually crashes just after starting the operation. I tried on two different computers (one with Vista and one with Windows 7), same thing happens on both, the application crashes just after starting the operation.

Re: Problem at cut points using Smart Cutter.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 10:40 pm
by Chuck
I found out what process causes the crash. If I have Preview OFF then the application crashes. If I leave it on it completes successfully.

Looks like I have a path to do what I need for now.

Thanks for all your help. Please have a look at the crashing problem.

Re: Problem at cut points using Smart Cutter.

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 10:43 am
by admin
Dear Chuck:
Thanks for your posting.
I found out what process causes the crash. If I have Preview OFF then the application crashes. If I leave it on it completes successfully.
Could you please send us video samples(upto 20MB each) for a test? our email or

If you can not find small sample, you can upload big samples to our ftp server
FTP server for uploading samples

FTP server for samples
before uploading samples, please create sub-directory with your name under the root, then upload samples to this sub-directory.

FULL priviliged --- mkdir, read, write, remove
Will be helpful to limit the size of each sample under 50MB! Thank you.

FTP Username:
Password: samples
FTP Server:
FTP Server Port: 21

Looking forward to your further message.
Thank you very much.

Best Regards,
FameRing Support Team