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Re: Crash in version 1.9.1

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 7:45 am
by James.T.
Dear Support Team,

Could you please inform about your effort to solve this problem.

As I paid the fee for the program and for your support I would appreciate to get what I paid for. At the moment, the situation is not very comfortable.

How can we move forward?

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,


Re: Crash in version 1.9.1

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 3:06 am
by admin
Dear James.T.:
Thanks for your message.

Since we still can not re-produce the problem on our end, we just made a test version for this specific issue. Please download below test version and try it on your end
If the problem does happen again, you could find a fame_debug.log file under the program directory, which is a log file recording every step of the program. Please send this log file to us for further analyzation. Our email address or

Looking forward to your further message.
Thank you very much.

Best Regards,
FameRing Support Team

Re: Crash in version 1.9.1

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 8:51 am
by James.T.
Good Morning Support Team,

Thank you very much for your effort.

The downloaded test version runs without any problems on my end!!
I assume you don't need the fame_debug.log file, right?
The option window of this test version shows "version 1.4.8". Will it help you to fix the bug also in 1.9.1? How to proceed?

I highly appreciate that there is some movement in this topic and I am looking forward to your next steps.

Best regards,

Re: Crash in version 1.9.1

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 5:09 am
by admin
Dear James.T.:
Thanks for your message.

'The downloaded test version("version 1.4.8") runs without any problems on my end!!'
Are you very sure about this?

Here is the test version 1.9.1. Please download it and try it on your end

If the problem does happen again, you could find a fame_debug.log file under the program directory, which is a log file recording every step of the program. Please send this log file to us for further analyzation. Our email address or

Looking forward to your further message.
Thank you very much.

Best Regards,
FameRing Support Team

Re: Crash in version 1.9.1

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 9:18 am
by James.T.
Dear Support Team,

Thank you for your answer.

Yes, I am sure, I cannot identify problems running the test version 1.4.8.

But unfortunately, the test version 1.9.1 is still collapsing.

I will send you both log files (148 and 191).

Hoping this helps!

Looking forward to your reply.

Thanks again and best regards,


Re: Crash in version 1.9.1

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 7:38 am
by James.T.
Good Morning Support Team,

Have you received the log files I sent you?
Any news and results from your investigations?

Looking forward to your reply.

Thank you and best regards,


Re: Crash in version 1.9.1

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 4:37 am
by admin
Dear James.T.:
Thanks for your message.

'Have you received the log files I sent you?'
We did receive the log files and our developers have looked into them and narrowed down the issue into several possible reasons, they are still working on it. Will keep you posted about the progress.

Please feel free to send us your further advice and suggestion.
Thank you very much.

Best Regards,
FameRing Support Team

Re: Crash in version 1.9.1

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 4:40 pm
by James.T.
Dear Support Team,

Any progress with regards to my log files? Have your developers identified the problem?

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,


Re: Crash in version 1.9.1

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 4:17 am
by admin
Dear James.T.:
Thanks for your message.

'Have your developers identified the problem?'
We are now very near to the acutal reason after many tests, there will be a fix soon. Will keep you posted about the progress.

Please feel free to send us your further advice and suggestion.
Thank you very much.

Best Regards,
FameRing Support Team

Re: Crash in version 1.9.1

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 10:04 am
by James.T.
Dear Support Team!

I would like to wish all of you a happy properous new year!

Your last post from Dec 14th sounds quite confident and I would like to know when the new program release can be expected?

Looking forward to your reply.

Best regards,
