
The world's first H.264 AVCHD accurate cutter without re-encoding!
Smart Cutter and Mate for DV and DVB.
Smart products manages, splits, joins movies from DV Camcorder and DVB HD PVR.
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Post by VGER »


one more problem: A movie I've cut at the start doesn't play right. The sequence is the one with the MGM Studio lion - you know the logo. I've cut before the fade-in, so the movie should start on a black frame, then fade into the sequence. But it doesn't.

This is how it appears in two different players:

- on start, jerky image of the lion _already_ roaring (instead of black frame)
- start of sequence: the lion _begins_ roaring

- black frame, containing the word "demo"
- sequence starts, for a moment the lower third of the screen contains green artifacts
- sequence continues, artifacts vanish

Seriously, I don't understand why this whole HD-cutting business is supposed to be that hard: If there are possible jump-forward and jump-backward references in the stream, why don't you just newly encode five or ten seconds around the cut and be done with it?

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Re: artifacts

Post by admin »

Dear VGER:
Thanks for your message.

Please help us to show and identify the problem.
Could you please upload a video sample to our ftp server for a test?

It would be better if the sample file size is less than 100 MB.

If you can not find small sample, use this simple tool to split your movie file into small pieces, and upload any one of them. ... rger.shtml
before uploading sample, please create sub-directory with your name under the root, then upload sample to this sub-directory.

FULL priviliged --- mkdir, read, write, remove
Will be helpful to limit the sample file size under 100MB.
Thank you.

FTP Username:
Password: samples
FTP Server:
FTP Server Port: 21

Please feel free to send us your further advice and suggestion.
Thank you very much.

Best Regards,
FameRing Support Team
Posts: 29
Joined: Thu Aug 02, 2012 3:09 pm

Re: artifacts

Post by VGER »

Thank you for your reply.

I'm uploading 25MB of the start of the file now, directory "VGER sample".

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Re: artifacts

Post by admin »

Dear VGER:
Thanks for your sample file.

And we did not see the issue mentioned in vlc 1.1.9, mpc hc, splash and Smart Cutter.

For the media player, we do not think it is fully compliant to the H.264 video standard. So we'd recommend splash as it is a excellent and powerful DXVA HD video player, and it is also free.

Please feel free to send us your further advice and suggestion.
Thank you very much.

Best Regards,
FameRing Support Team
Posts: 29
Joined: Thu Aug 02, 2012 3:09 pm

Re: artifacts

Post by VGER »


this is no solution: I need a valid result file and cannot rely on the player to "smooth over" errors in the stream.

My VLC version is v2.0.2. The issue is reproducible in both MediaPlayer (Windows 7 current patchlevel) and VLC.

In another forum it has been suggested that the fault lays not in the way SmartCutter is working in principle, but in the way the trial-message is embedded into the stream. Some users reported that they had the same errors, but only in the trial version, not in the paid version. Can you verify that?

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Re: artifacts

Post by VGER »

Are you still investigating the issue?

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Re: artifacts

Post by admin »

Dear VGER:
Thanks for your message.

Yes we are still investigating this issue, it may take some more time to deal with.
We will keep you posted about the progress.

Please feel free to send us your further advice and suggestion.
Thank you very much.

Best Regards,
FameRing Support Team
Posts: 29
Joined: Thu Aug 02, 2012 3:09 pm

Re: artifacts

Post by VGER »

Are there any results yet? My HDD is filling up with projects and I'd like to know if I can use SmartCutter to process them or need to look for another solution.

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