If you use DGIndex manually for this operation, you have to go into the menu called Stream -> Detect PIDs: PAT/PMT and set the appropriate info. If you then go to File -> Save project and Demux Video, it works as intended.admin wrote:Dear Dal:Thanks for your information.it seems that DGIndex cannot detect it properly, neither directly in the program itself or through MeGUI.
We just downloaded the DGIndex(1.5.8), but it does not recognize the audio in your source sample file(06-22_14-28-51_Disney Channel (nor)_Lazytown.ts). We mean the sample file you sent to us, before any cut operation made. The same for the cutted sample(Lazytown.127.ts).
Could you help us to test this on your end? Does the DGIndex detect the audio correctly in the source movie?
Looking forward to your further message.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
FameRing Support Team
This is tested in the sample file also.
Thanks again.