New version 1.2.4 of Smart Cutter released

The world's first H.264 AVCHD accurate cutter without re-encoding!
Smart Cutter and Mate for DV and DVB.
Smart products manages, splits, joins movies from DV Camcorder and DVB HD PVR.
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Re: New version 1.2.4 of Smart Cutter released

Post by admin »

iHD wrote:Hi Admin, is it possible to add some fast movement button ? e.g. [-10sec] [-5sec] [-1sec] [+1sec] [+5sec] [+10sec]
Dear iHD:
Thanks for your posting.

This is already on our to-do list. According to our developers, we may have it in new version around the end of this month.

Please feel free to send us your further advice.
Thank you very much.

Best Regards,
FameRing Support Team
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Re: New version 1.2.4 of Smart Cutter released

Post by Battler »

Samples of the files with offset issues that Vidio File Fix does not correct have been emailed
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Re: New version 1.2.4 of Smart Cutter released

Post by Battler »

If I may .... Can I ask a dumb question?

What does the new 'Fix Video File' button do and are there any tricks in how we set options or otherwise?

I know it reads and writes the file back more slowly than a standard save so its presumably is doing something.

Since all the all saved files are the same size I'm guessing its not touching the streams.

I've now converted another dozen old edited .m2ts files (ie with commercial removed by older version of Smart Cutter) and found I've still got audio snc problems at every commercial edit in every file. To get things back in sync I've got to manually trim the audio at every point and remux the final .mp4.

Was I nieve in thinking the functionality that we waited weeks for isn't fixing underlying problems such as this?
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Re: New version 1.2.4 of Smart Cutter released

Post by admin »

Dear Battler:
Thanks for your posting.
What does the new 'Fix Video File' button do and are there any tricks in how we set options or otherwise?
'Fix Video File' is reading in and fixing the errors in the stream and writes it back into disk. Setting in options dialog does not affect this stand-alone operation.
Since all the all saved files are the same size I'm guessing its not touching the streams.
Yes, the file size will remain the same. But the false time codes and control words in the stream(causing a/v in-sync) were fixed. Since these time codes and control words are in fixed size, the physical file size will not change.
isn't fixing underlying problems such as this?
This stand-alone function was just designed for such kind of problems. Could you please check and tell us the creation date of these files?
Thank you.

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FameRing Support Team
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Correcting Sync Issues

Post by Battler »

The .m2ts files which are not being corrected by "Fix Video File" were edited with Smart Cutter in Dec/Jan.

This was the version prior to the update to Smart Cutter which has better audio at cuts.

I've held back converting many of these files back waiting for this mod so a little frustrated.

I'll email you an example from files where the advertisments were removed. The files play properly as .m2ts but don't convert correctly leaving a 500ms or there abouts sync error in the converted files.
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Re: New version 1.2.4 of Smart Cutter released

Post by iHD »

version 1.2.5
discard broken ts packet
resolved conflicting ts pid
preventing mpeg2 video frame skip
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Re: New version 1.2.4 of Smart Cutter released

Post by Battler »


1.2.5's "Fix Video File" function still doesn't fix the two .m2ts files I sent in the last week.
(Initial errors requiring total offset and old commercial edits requiring correction)

Any word from the developers if and when they will get to this matter

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Fix Video File Does not Fix Anything!?

Post by Battler »


Any progress with your review into why the 2 sets of files I sent you 2 weeks ago aren't fixed by the new "Fix Video File" routine?

Both sets of files had sync problems caused by earlier versions of smart cutter used to edit Huppauge HD PVR recordings.

I'd like to transcode quite a few of these files and rather not correct the audio manually. Each has 4 or 5 points where I've previously cut commercials requiring correction.

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Re: New version 1.2.4 of Smart Cutter released

Post by admin »

Dear Battler:
Thanks for your posting.
Any progress with your review into why the 2 sets of files I sent you 2 weeks ago aren't fixed by the new "Fix Video File" routine?
We think we have located the reason.
The reason should be the audio time code gap.
We have completed dozens of tests, removing the gap manually, which improved the output a/v sync vastly.
We still need some time to confirm this conclusion. More tests will be taken.
In the mean time, the fix version for such kind of gap is being constructed.
We will keep you posted as we get a new version for this.

Best Regards,
FameRing Support Team
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Re: New version 1.2.4 of Smart Cutter released

Post by Battler »

Thanks for the reply

Look forward to the fix
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