Keyboard Shortcuts / Batch Control

Requests and discussion of features for future versions.
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Keyboard Shortcuts / Batch Control

Post by Battler »


Thanks for Smart Cutter. Certainly an indispensible tool for hauppauge hd pvr files.

Whist the interface works well it would benefit from some quick keyboard commands. For example VideoReDo and Avidemux have keyboard shortcuts which are faster and more reliable to use than the sliders.

The following would be useful:
1) A maual 'goto' where you can enter a time code #:##:##
2) Forward and Backwards 1 minute (CTR -> CTR <-)
3) Forward and Backwards 1 second (Alt -> Alt <-)
4) Forward and Backwards 1 frame (-> <-)
5) New Start and New End Points ([ ])

What would also be very useful would be the ability to save each project into batch(s) which could be run later. Whilst Smart Cutter is quick you can still spend ages waiting for each save if editing multiple files.

Finally don't underestimate the market for MP4 editing. I have quite a number of MP4's I'd like to edit but have found no better alternative than re-rendering into MPG which is slow and another hit to quality.

Keep up the good work.
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Re: Keyboard Shortcuts / Batch Control

Post by admin »

Dear Battler:
Thank you so much for your great advices!

keyboard shortcuts
Already on our to-do list.

save each project into batch(s)
Smart Cutter already support project loading and saving.
After you set up all the in and out points into record list, 'right click' on the record list, select the menu item 'save project' and 'load project'.
You can also output all the edit points into a text file by 'output points'.

the market for MP4 editing
Could you please tell us the source of your Mp4 movies? If they are the result of NLE or other video converters, then why should they be edited again? Or are they captured by any recorder?

re-rendering into MPG
Why not just de-mux them into Ts files, you need not re-encode them. TsMuxer is perfect for such a job!

Please keep in touch with us, thank you.

Best Regards,
FameRing Support Team
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Re: Keyboard Shortcuts / Batch Control

Post by Battler »

Thanks for the quick response

1.keyboard shortcuts - Already on our to-do list.

Great look forward to the upgrade each project into batch(s) - Smart Cutter already support project loading and saving.

Yes I have been using the project saves already as I've had the program crash
during some editing of HD recordings so it save quite a lot of time.

What I was actually referring to was the ability to Batch the edited file saves.
This morning I edited 10 programs recorded over the Christmas period. It would
have been nice to batch the edited file creation process while I was out running
rather than saving each file one at a time

3.the market for MP4 editing

From a variety of sources from the net and headers indicate they are from many
converters. Your right may all be too hard into MPG - Why not de-mux into Ts files (TsMuxer)

I've already used TsMuxer to get the files into a form for Smart Cutter but would
rather not go over all the hurdles.

In any event not all files are suitable. Some files play ok as original MP4's but are
out of sync when remuxed into MP4 or TS so need to manually tweeking the audio
(Probably badly edited with Avidemux etc).

Why can't TsMuxer recognise audio tracks in a Smart Cutter created .M2TS file?

Anway thanks again look forward to seeing the product evolve.
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Re: Keyboard Shortcuts / Batch Control

Post by admin »

Dear Battler:
Thanks for your advice.
What I was actually referring to was the ability to Batch the edited file saves.
So you are talking about:
You have multiple movies, each movie should be edited to a single output movie, and each movie has multiple segments of advertisment to be cutted out. Then this means one project for each movie. Isn't it?
And the Smart Cutter should automatically load all the projects and process them one by one, each project will generate one output movie.
Is this what you want?

Looking forwared to your further informationi. Thank you.
Best Regards,
FameRing Support Team
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Re: Keyboard Shortcuts / Batch Control

Post by Battler »


I often have multiple edits to save from one or more raw files.

This situation arises when I use my Hauppauge PVR to record playback of multiple shows recorded on my cable box (which itself is a PVR).

This morning I was editing out commercials and saved 10 shows from three different recorded .m2TS files.

Saving each show is the slowest part of the operation.
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Re: Keyboard Shortcuts / Batch Control

Post by dagro »

What about the Keyboard Shortcuts ?
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Re: Keyboard Shortcuts / Batch Control

Post by Elessar »

I fully second that question!

Best regards,
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Re: Keyboard Shortcuts / Batch Control

Post by JeffH »

I also cast my vote for batch processing. The idea of a Queue - edit multiple projects, build the Add Lists, but don't hit Record List. Instead, add to a queue. Before you head out the door, or go to bed, hit "Encode Queue" and it sequentially brings up each of the projects, spits out the resulting output file, then at the end of the queue quits or shuts down the PC. Check out HandBrake's "Add to Queue" capability.

Thanks for a great product.
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Re: Keyboard Shortcuts / Batch Control

Post by JeanPaulo »

I may be a bit late, but I fully support the request for a 'Goto time' button or key.
The save project is nice, but it does not help really in setting the cut point when
we know the timing.
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Re: Keyboard Shortcuts / Batch Control

Post by Carsten »

I ´ve read this thread over Shortcuts and Batch Control.

In one of the inputs of the thread i read the following posted by battler in January 2010 and the answer from admin also at 02 January 2010:
Keyboard Shortcuts / Batch Control

Postby Battler » 02 Jan 2010, 00:15

Thanks for Smart Cutter. Certainly an indispensible tool for hauppauge hd pvr files.

Whist the interface works well it would benefit from some quick keyboard commands. For example VideoReDo and Avidemux have keyboard shortcuts which are faster and more reliable to use than the sliders.

The following would be useful:
1) A maual 'goto' where you can enter a time code #:##:##
2) Forward and Backwards 1 minute (CTR -> CTR <-)
3) Forward and Backwards 1 second (Alt -> Alt <-)
4) Forward and Backwards 1 frame (-> <-)
5) New Start and New End Points ([ ])

Re: Keyboard Shortcuts / Batch Control

Postby admin » 02 Jan 2010, 10:47
Dear Battler:
Thank you so much for your great advices!


keyboard shortcuts

Already on our to-do list.


save each project into batch(s) ....


I think that 3 1/2 years are too long for a to do list. Nothing of this is done. Shortcuts would be make the programm really better and the programming of thi feature is not so difficult.

I ´ve opened elsewhere in this blog a thread named Roadmap. There are actually 212 viewsbut no replies.

I want to know, what features and bugs are in the to-do-list and when there will be done? Thats what I mean with roadmap.

Do you think, more than 3 years are ok for a simple problem or feature?

It would give me great pleasure, if this is the start-point of further discussion about that.


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