Need a program that splits individual frames of a video? You are in the right place. We offer you:
a program that splits individual frames of a video...
If you have some big video files on your hard disk, then you may need a video tool that allow you to stop at individual frames and split them. It should be working right out of the box, user obvious, not requiring documentation, education or a learning curve. Furthermore, it should be Frame Accurate.
The frame by frame processing is a highly demanded requirement that is really simple in concept but difficult to execute correctly, especially when the video is in H.264/AVCHD/MPEG2 format. You need an easy-to-use but Frame Accurate tool to split frames from video file.
Whether a video editor always starts on an Accurate Frame?
It depends. To answer this question, we may first discuss some basic ideas.
WYSIWYG, also spelled as What You See Is What You Get, has long been a standard demand for modern softwares. We will surely take this as a normal requirement. Hard to imagine, when a user defined a cut point on the time line, but the output is 3 seconds away from that point.
When you are working on a movie which requires accurate frame splitting from video stream, you need the ability to capture a precise single frame from a video file. You may ask such question: Is it possible to capture a frame from a video in any format?
The answer is YES.
Our MovieShop Framer will be
splitting frames in video from all popular video formats, in a Frame Accurate mode.
It surely will start on the Accurate Frame, whatever the starting frame is a key or non-key frame; the source video frame type does not matter in MovieShop Framer.
It is an easy-to-use video cutter, splits and joins videos quickly in several mouse clicks.
It is a Frame Accurate video editor. You can observe each scene thoroughly, split or merge segments from multiple movies, and output to various formats. Cut commercials out of video stream.
It is actually
a program that splits individual frames of a video...
Please refer to the page of our MovieShop Framer for more information. When you need a program that splits individual frames of a video, you may have it a try.